manage your emotions to experience less chaos and more calm


Counselling sessions

Time to process your experiences, relationships, and emotions.

“What is mentionable is manageable.” -Mr.Rogers

For individuals, couples, and families

emotion management programs

Gain control of BIG feelings in your home so you can get through the CHAOS and back to CALM.

Boost your self-awareness and skills so you can manage your moods with confidence.

Programs available for both parents and kids (ages 9-12)


LIVE online interactive presentations to support your mental and emotional well-being.

On-demand training on specific mental health topics.

For parents, educators, schools and businesses


a compassionate, non-judgmental approach

Have your experiences acknowledged and your feelings validated as you share your story and seek healing.

Understanding how connection to yourself and others influences your life experiences. Awareness of how your thoughts, feelings and behaviours are interconnected can help you gain control of your inner world. If you are stuck in problematic patterns of thought, feeling, or behaving, you will be guided to strengthen core beliefs that empower you. Sometimes a simple reframe can help you see your situation differently and allow you to move forward with confidence.

Emotion Management programs

Your family’s emotional wellbeing is top priority

Are feelings BIG in your home? Good news - that’s normal!

Come and learn how to deal with the CHAOS of wild emotions. Parents, you play a crucial role in your child’s emotional development. You can be the parent you want to be and use evidence-based strategies to manage anger outbursts, meltdowns, tantrums and resistance.

If your child is between the ages of 9-12, they are at the perfect age to gain better control of intense feelings like anxiety, frustration, and anger. We have a program that teaches your child self-awareness and strategies to manage their moods.